How to choose scissors for grooming?


Types of grooming scissors

To properly care for your pet's coat, you should have a set of clippers at your disposal, care for your pet's coat, you should have a set of clippers at your disposal. Depending on the purpose, the device can be of different lengths. Each process, such as removing excess hair on the back and sides, clipping paws, tail, head, and ears, is carried out using a specific tool:

  1. Straight grooming scissors. These are commonly used products that allow you to make an even and accurate cut. Depending on the purpose, the device can be of different lengths. Short models (up to 7.5 cm in length) are suitable for grooming small breeds and working with difficult areas, while long models are suitable for large-scale processes. It is most convenient to cut the hair on the face, paws, and genital area with scissors with short blades with rounded ends.
  2. Filleting scissors for grooming. Tools with serrations are suitable for thinning thick coats, creating volume, decorative cutting, and finishing work. The serrations can be on one or both blades. The number of transverse protrusions also differs. For example, scissors with large teeth are better for quick work with neat cuts.
  3. With a curved blade. The model will allow you to create smooth cut lines, an interesting shape, and emphasize the silhouette. This type of scissors is suitable for cutting paws and making oblique cuts. Curved scissors are most often used by experienced nail technicians who have mastered this cutting technique.
  4. With an adjustable screw. An important advantage is the ability to adjust the blade to suit the type of hair. During operation, it is important not to overtighten the screw.


What is the difference between clippers for humans and animals?

Significant differences between these tools include the following points

  • number of teeth;
  • the size of the teeth;
  • the distance between the teeth on the blade.

The general rule is that the smaller the number of teeth, the more accurate the result. Grooming scissors are designed for professional and amateur use. They are suitable for thinning the coat, creating volume, and shaping it. Dog grooming scissors should not be used for cutting paper or cutting human hair. An important feature is to keep the edge sharp when manipulating hard dog hair.